Sr. Lisa LapinskiElementary Religion


    Sr. Lisa, OLS, a Sister of Our Lady of Sorrow, was born in Chicago, Illinios. Years later she and her family moved to East Texas, where she considers herself a native. She first taught religion classes at Sunday School in Texas. She taught elementary religion classes at Sacred Heart School, and prepared the Sacraments for the young children in Moreauville, Louisiana for the Sisters. Before being transferred to Las Cruces, NM, she was living in Shreveport with the Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows and was teaching Sunday school the prior 2 years at St. Joseph Catholic School in Shreveport, Louisiana.

    Sister Lisa made her First Profession on June 13, 2020.  She enjoys sharing her faith with the children and with others. She loves to journal, write poetry, sketch, listen to music, and her favorite devotion is to spend time with Our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration.

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